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Does the pressure gauge of the four-column hydraulic press need to be on all the time

Does the pressure gauge of the four-column hydraulic press need to be on all the time?
Pressure gauges are generally installed in four-column hydraulic machines to observe the pressure in the equipment at all times to ensure its normal and stable operation. But when the four-column hydraulic press is running, the pressure gauge should be closed. Why?
The reason why the pressure gauge should be installed in the four-column hydraulic press is mainly to observe the pressure and pressure of the hydraulic press during operation, so that it is not enough to exceed the standard range. However, the pressure gauge does not need to be turned on all the time during the operation of the four-column hydraulic press, and the measurement accuracy will not be affected after closing. If not, it will lead to the abnormal pressure gauge.
Because the pressure of the four-column hydraulic press is not uniform in operation, it may sometimes be high and sometimes low. If it is applied to the pressure gauge, it is easy to cause damage to it. So the correct way is to open the pressure gauge while the four-column hydraulic press starts to run, and observe the measured pressure, once the standard can be closed.
2021/04/14 15:33:32 524

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